Why is the potency in 60-year-old men weak and what methods can be enhanced?

Competence is a key ingredient in any man's successful life. It is on her that their self-esteem depends. If there were no problems with sex in their youth, by the age of 60, many men have had serious deviations in their sex life. Because of erectile dysfunction, some refuse to have sex altogether. This is influenced by a large number of external and internal factors.

If sex is completely excluded, there is a risk of several diseases. In order for the methods of increasing male potency over 60 years old to achieve the desired effect, we strongly recommend that you consult a specialist.

The reason for the decrease in potency

With age, the vitality of any organism gradually loses its vitality. This is experienced by men 60 years of age and older. Their metabolism slows down, internal organs begin to work noticeably worse. The degenerative process also affects the genitourinary system.

Mature man with low potency how to increase

In men of an older age, attractiveness is significantly reduced, and may practically have no effect. In most cases, the cause of this phenomenon is a hormonal imbalance. Low levels of testosterone in the blood are the cause of sexual dysfunction.

In addition, the following reasons can lead to erectile dysfunction:

  1. The presence of cardiovascular diseases - they cause a serious deviation in the work of blood circulation, as a result of which blood flow to the pelvic organs is impaired. All this leads to insufficient activity of the penis and reduced potency.
  2. Wrong lifestyle - unhealthy diet, inactive lifestyle, bad habits, frequent infectious or inflammatory processes can reduce sexual activity.
  3. The presence of diseases of the genitourinary system - studies have shown that in the majority of cases the cause of low effectiveness in men over 60 years old is prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, cancer and urethritis.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system - the effect becomes almost minimal if a man develops diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2, thyroid dysfunction.

The most effective methods of influence

Before proceeding with treatment for erectile dysfunction, it is necessary to consult a doctor specializing in treating erectile dysfunction.

This will help in timely diagnosis of pathologies that cause deviations in the work of the genitourinary system.

At home, potency can be normalized by the following methods:

  • Yoga is a unique system of physical activity that was developed several millennia ago. With the right exercise, you can enhance sexual performance, as well as improve muscle tone. The most important is the butterfly and cobra pose. With their help, it is possible to push blood into the pelvic area. If you are inexperienced in performing these tasks, you should do them under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Strengthens vital muscles - for male strength, the pelvic floor is of the greatest importance. There are many complexes that beneficially affect the state of this part of the body. With regular practice of special exercises, you will return to strength your genitals. The simplest exercise is to hold urine for a few seconds while urinating. Repeat the exercise 50 times at least 3 times a day.
  • Aerobic exercise is one of the most effective methods of dispersing blood throughout the body. Remember that such downloads are not acceptable to everyone. After consulting with a therapist, you will be advised on some sports that you can play without harm. The most harmless is cycling, walking in the fresh air, or doing light exercise in the morning.
  • Eat healthy - excluding certain foods from the diet will help avoid negative consequences in the form of decreased potency. There are also a number of products that have the effect of enhancing male potency. Be sure to consult your doctor about what is best to follow a diet. If it predominates from plant foods rich in useful elements, you will get rid of dysfunction.
yoga to increase potency after 60exercises to increase potency after 60aerobic exercise to increase potency after 60healthy diet to increase potency after 60

Methods of struggle in medicine

It is easiest to increase potency in men over 60 with the help of medication. In any pharmacy you can easily find male enhancement pills. With their help, it is possible to increase libido, as well as normalize blood circulation in a small pelvis. Remember that medication cannot solve the problems that cause sexual dysfunction.

If you have serious problems in the sexual area, it is necessary to consult a sexologist, urologist and psychotherapist. If there is a deviation in the work of internal organs or a psychological barrier, the potency pills will not give the desired result. If dysfunction is caused by inflammation in the genital organs, surgical intervention is indicated. Only after it will be possible to restore sexual activity. All drugs for increasing potency can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Preparations based on the hormone testosterone;
  2. Potential stimulants - tablets based on sildenafil;
  3. Herbal preparations - tablets based on yohimbine.
consult a doctor to increase potency after 60

Before starting to take the drug to increase potency, you must undergo an extensive diagnostic examination by a specialist

Treatment with a number of means can lead to the development of complications. Only a doctor can tell you which products will be absolutely safe for your body. In most cases, testosterone-based hormonal preparations help to establish a sex life.

Previously, male enhancement pills were produced exclusively in the form of tablets and injections. Modern manufacturers have launched the production of various gels and patches that have a positive effect on potency. Remember that such funds have short-term effects only. If you want to get rid of the root of the problem, you should undergo an extensive diagnostic examination. Then your doctor will definitely prescribe you a treatment to get the effect back to normal.

Impotence exercise

It will be possible to increase male sexual power if you provide yourself with regular physical activity.

Doctors recommend playing football, swimming, running or walking.

This will help disperse blood throughout the body, as well as set up metabolic processes in the pelvis. In addition, it has a positive effect on the production of testosterone. For a direct impact on sexual performance, it is recommended to perform Kegel exercises. With their help, it will be possible to prevent blockages, as well as accelerate blood circulation in the pelvis.

A set of exercises by Dr. Kegel for the study of the pubococcygeus muscle. You need to do them during urination: hold the flow of urine for 5 seconds, then relax and repeat the approach again. This will help prevent future blockages, significantly improving potency. You can also normalize male strength by squeezing the perineal muscles for 10-20 seconds. First results appear within a few weeks.

Therapeutic diet

Compliance with a special therapeutic diet will help to form male strength. With its help, it is possible to nourish the body with useful elements, remove toxins and poisons. It should be noted that after 60 years, the body no longer needs to consume the same amount of carbohydrates and proteins. To maintain male strength, you need to take this feature into account when formulating a diet. It is very important to consume the following foods regularly:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables - nourish the body with useful vitamins and minerals;
  • Fresh berries;
  • Nuts - contain a large amount of fatty acids responsible for metabolism;
  • Cereals and beans - normalize metabolism, remove toxins from the body;
  • Dairy products;
  • Disgusting soups;
  • Lean.

Folk remedies

It will be possible to increase potency with the help of folk remedies. There are many recipes that have beneficial effects on men's health. Remember that they will help solve the problem temporarily.

In the presence of diseases of internal organs, the results from use will be minimal.

The most effective recipes are:

  • Mixture of nuts and honey - take these ingredients in equal proportions, grind the nuts thoroughly and mix natural honey in them. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to improve the taste. Drink one teaspoon every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Coriander and parsley. Mix these ingredients in equal proportions, then take the ingredients at a ratio of 1 teaspoon per liter of water. Take one teaspoon 3 times a day with meals for 2 months.
  • Stinging nettle decoction - take 100 grams of nettle leaves, pour in a liter of water and leave to infuse overnight. Then, put the product in and cook on low heat for one hour. After this time, remove the pot of broth from the heat and let it cool. Drink a glass of medicine before bed for a month.
  • Ginseng with honey. Take 100 grams of ginseng root and grind it finely, then mix it with a sufficient amount of natural honey. Every morning, start by drinking a glass of water, in which you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of this medicine.
  • White wine. This alcoholic drink in moderate doses has a nourishing effect on the body. It speeds up blood flow, preventing blockages. Drink 50 ml before going to bed for a month.

Prevents loss of potency

If everything is working, but you don't want to allow problems to develop in the future, you need to follow some precautions. This will help prevent degeneration. The most effective are the following tips:

  1. Refuse promiscuity, this will help reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases;
  2. Exercise regularly to help improve circulation.
  3. Get yourself a regular sex life;
  4. Regularly undergo diagnostic examinations at the attending physician;
  5. Listen to your body: try not to overwork;
  6. Dress appropriately for the weather: do not incubate too cold or too hot;
  7. Eat right - exclude fatty, fried, smoked, pickled foods from the diet;
  8. Give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol;
  9. Try to walk in the fresh air as much as possible;
  10. Monitor your weight - every kilogram negatively affects potency.